But first, they must pass through the gate of hell and enter the underground world of sinners. Santa maria novella train station florence inferno. At dusk on the eve of good friday, dante and virgil embark on a journey that will lead dante to heaven where a contentment with god will be found and his beloved beatrice awaits. And after it there came so long a train of people, that i. Little is known of dantes formal educationit is likely to have included study with the dominicans, the. Robert langdon, the main character in dan browns inferno, begins his adventure in tuscany, precisely, in florence. But the further we move from the late medieval world of dante, the more a rich understanding and enjoyment of the poem depends on knowledgeable guidance. And yet, the presence of dante s many personal and political enemies injects no small amount of dark humor into the poem, such that one can read it as political satire as well as an ingenious marriage of medieval catholic theology and philosophy with the poetry of. Here, in one fifteenhourlong cd mp3, is an extraordinary reading of dantes entire divine comedy.
Dante s inferno audio dramatization featuring corin redgrave duration. On february 3, 1848, a larger station was inaugurated near piazza santa maria novella square. The living man and his undead guide witness a succession of terrible punishments being inflicted on those who led ungodly. The divine comedy the inferno, the purgatorio, and the paradiso. Otherwise take public transport to florence central railway station. It was named maria antonia station after the wife of the grand duke of tuscany. For the rest of his life he wandered through italy, perhaps studied at paris, while. I was lucky to find this version, since obviously, the original is in italian, and most englishtranslations are still full of words that we simply don. General description of the inferno and its divisions. Love the diglot italian literature aside english translation, which is not the literature but. I had never read dante s inferno before, even in college, and always wished i had. Robert hollander, a renowned scholar and master teacher of dante, and jean hollander, an accomplished poet, have written.
Of that low italy shall he be the saviour, on whose account the maid camilla died. As a big horrorthrillerdrama fan, dante is often referenced and used as a structure for many similar novels. Hear dantes inferno read aloud by influential poet. Construction of the railway network of the city of florence began around 1840, with its first railway station being the stazione leopolda. The inferno treats the existence of hell and the grievous sins that consign its inhabitants there with the utmost seriousness. Check it out thanks to jerry lermas dante page for bringing this up.
He also made a map of the simpsons if youre interested. Dante s inferno in our time bbc radio 4 melvyn bragg inhighspeed. Commedia, later christened divina by giovanni boccaccio, written by dante alighieri between 8 and his death in 21, is widely considered the central epic poem of italian literature, the last great work of literature of the middle ages and the first great work of the renaissance. He thereafter goes to venice, and then to turkey this article is the first part of a brief guide to the places in venice mentioned in the novel venice is an italian island city that is environmentally, architecturally, and historically unique. A version of dante s inferno i the divine comedy is available from this italian website along with a reading in the original italian requires realplayer.
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